Memory Cells Control
00 - 09 Actions:
10 - 19 Programs:
20 - 29 Step Delay (ms):
30 - 39    
40 - 49 Exec. Point:
50 - 59 Accumulator:
60 - 69    
70 - 79 Input:
80 - 89 Output:
90 - 99    

Instruction Set:

  • 000: No operation. Move to next cell.
  • 001: Halt.
  • 002: Halt and Restart.
  • 100: Resets the accumulator to 0.
  • 101: Loads the value of the input to the accumulator.
  • 102: Sends the value of the accumulator to the output.
  • 2xx: Loads the value in cell [xx] to the accumulator.
  • 3xx: Stores the value of the accumulator to cell [xx].
  • 4xx: Adds the value of cell [xx] to the value of the accumulator, and updates the accumulator with the result.
  • 5xx: Subtracts the value of cell [xx] from the value of the accumulator, and updates the accumulator with the result.
  • 6xx: Jumps to cell [xx] and continues execution from that point.
  • 7xx: Jumps to cell [xx] and continues execution from that point IF the value of the accumulator is 0.
  • 8xx: Jumps to cell [xx] and continues execution from that point IF the value of the accumulator is not 0.

Other Information:

  • Version 0.10 - Thar be bugs, matey.
  • All numbers are base 10. Zero padding is for instructional clarity only.
  • All operations are non-destructive (source maintained), except 101 (input is consumed).
  • Only supports numbers -999 to 999. Numbers outside this range will wrap. For example: 1200 will become -798.